Welcome to Gravy Southern Eatery 1165 Carlyle Place Calabash, NC 28467
Now that you have found us. Come and see if you can find out Why the Locals have been trying to keep us a Secret.
Now that you have found us. Come and see if you can find out Why the Locals have been trying to keep us a Secret.
Life is just "Gravy" with us. Come visit and enjoy the best Southern and Comfort foods around. We are known for many of our House Specialties like Meatloaf, Oven Roasted Turkey and Dressing, Peach Cobbler and our Calabash Style Seafood. We aren't know for being fancy or pricey we are known for the consistency of our great food and customer service. Established over 20 years ago we have come along way but we have kept true to our southern roots and recipes. We are truly a Local Favorite.
We are open for Lunch and Dinner Monday-Friday only.
Monday 11:00-7:30
Tuesday 11:00-7:30
Wednesday 11:00-7:30
Thursday 11:00-7:30
Friday 11:00-8:00
We are a small Family Business that considers our staff
to be an extension of our family.
We are closed on most holidays that the schools and/or banks are open.
Due to issues with Supply Chain Deliveries if we close on a Friday sometimes we must close on the following Monday as well.
When in doubt give us a call!
Closed Monday, December 16th - Friday, January 3rd
Monday, January 6th 2025 @11am
We are located on Hwy 179 Business Between Sunset Beach and Calabash.
If you are Coming from the North along Old Georgetown Road. You will want to take a left onto Hwy 179 Business/Beach Drive SW at Napa and we will be down the Hill on your left.
If you are Coming from the South through Calabash you will take a right on Hwy 179 Business/Beach Drive SW at the last stop light at Napa and we will be down the Hill on your left.
Still Confused? That's okay just give us a call and we will guide you in the right direction.
In time for the holidays, we have new GRAVY merchandise.
We have Gift Cards, Short Sleeve Tee Shirts, Long Sleeve Tee Shirts, Sweatshirts, and Coffee Cups.
Sign up to hear from us about specials, and changes in schedule.